sayang kamu!

Monday, 7 November 2011

engangement photographer..

hello2 everybody!! Ptg ni sy ingin berkongsi mengenai photographer atau lebih dikenali jurukamera..pntg org ni sb nt xde plak gmbr2 y cntk nt untk event y bermakne dlm hdp kte seperti majlis pertunangan atau pn majlis perkahwinan..kepada B2B Melaka boleh la korg try photographer sgt memujinye..walaupn muda,bktnye sgt besar dlm bidang photography ini..rsnye muda la..xpasti plak.hheee..sila la lihat di bwh ini hasil nukilannye..:D
ni plak gmbr2 sy sewaktu my engangement..photographer y byk membantu bila diri ini y kers kaku xreti nk berposing.hheee..lyn kn..
kesimpulannye..this photographer is highly recommended..thumbs up!!:B

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About Me

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Melaka, Malaysia
Assalamualaikum..hello everyone. I'm Lynn..a girl who wanted to start her new life with someone very very very special. This blog is for her journey to be a bride and wanted to share her love, happiness, sadness and all the feeling to prepare for the Big Day.InsyaAllah dengan ketentuan Yang Maha Esa.. jehelynn..
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^.^ tabung kawen..sila la tekan saye ^.^