sayang kamu!

Saturday, 10 December 2011

contest stunning me!!

sticky post until 10 disember 2011

Assalamualaikum and salam 1 Malaysia..

Hari ini i nak join contest by elyn.. beliau bermurah hati ingin memberi 
3 giveaway utk mempromosikn Qaseh Elyn..her creation..
tudung and veil for engagement or wedding.
ini adalah badge elyn..

jom join beramai2x and support her new business.
i nak join jgk..for more info about elyn and this contest..please click here

first of all..nak mintk maaf kalau gaya penceritaan sy tidak menghiburkn.
saje je gtl nak buat dlm bentuk gambar.hehee..=D
ignore it if u don't like..

ini adalah gambar bergerak tanpa berhenti..harap sume fhm jalan cerite.
nak tunjuk skill bergambar tidak menjadi=P

 kahkah..skill membuat gmbr berdialog hancus.
cubaan pertama..xnak publish kn,pnt je eden membuatnye smpi xtdo..
hrp sume dpt menerima dan memahaminye
sampai cini shaje la contest veil dan tudung idaman ms nikah nt
walaupun lmbt ape slhnye pk dr ckit budget.hehe.
hope elyn boleh menerima..hahaha=D

thanks for viewing..


  1. good luck dear! nuha pon join contest ni jugak. mari kite support elyn

  2. kreatif la fazlien..gud luck dear

  3. dear fazlien,

    kite dh bace n tgk video awak tuu...
    rajinnye wat video..eheee...

    thanks sbb join n support me :)

    tunggu ye pengumuman para pemenang :)

  4. haha..thanks gurls.
    video yang xseberape..
    da pndi nt,i buat lain=D

  5. fazlien...... pndai buat video 2... faiz x terfiir pun.. huhuhuhu..... chipmunk.... faiz suka sgt2.... suka dengar the cute voice......
    good luck dear


About Me

My photo
Melaka, Malaysia
Assalamualaikum..hello everyone. I'm Lynn..a girl who wanted to start her new life with someone very very very special. This blog is for her journey to be a bride and wanted to share her love, happiness, sadness and all the feeling to prepare for the Big Day.InsyaAllah dengan ketentuan Yang Maha Esa.. jehelynn..
Daisypath Friendship tickers
Daisypath Friendship tickers
Daisypath Wedding tickers

^.^ tabung kawen..sila la tekan saye ^.^