sayang kamu!

Sunday, 25 December 2011

end year random giveaway


hari ni nk join giveaway..xde pape nk di update blog pasal my wedding journey.hehe..
sgt mudah menyertai nye..

syarat penyertaan:

copy,paste n edit from here=)
-Letak tajuk 'End Year Random Giveaway' 
-Letak banner yang tertera diatas. 
-Mesti ada blog.
-WAJIB follow blog Sara dan GrannyHana .
-WAJIB jugak like fanpage Hana dan Auntie Sara. 

jom la join..pemenang dipilih random sahaje..xrugi kalau join..

tarikh tutp adlah 30/12/2011

sy nak tag beberape b2b:


  1. kena tag lagi! heee~

    giveaway fazlien pun tak sempat mengjoinkan diri lagi. adehhh


About Me

My photo
Melaka, Malaysia
Assalamualaikum..hello everyone. I'm Lynn..a girl who wanted to start her new life with someone very very very special. This blog is for her journey to be a bride and wanted to share her love, happiness, sadness and all the feeling to prepare for the Big Day.InsyaAllah dengan ketentuan Yang Maha Esa.. jehelynn..
Daisypath Friendship tickers
Daisypath Friendship tickers
Daisypath Wedding tickers

^.^ tabung kawen..sila la tekan saye ^.^