sayang kamu!

Monday 28 May 2012

Prep Wedding 10 : teaser pre wedding (theme school)

Assalamualaikum kawan2..
rindunye..da 3 hari xbk blog sb g taiping utk sesi photoshoot pre wedding..
ni hanye teaser pre wedding kami..
alhamdullilah semua berjalan dengan lancar..
banyak pengalaman y dpt dr sesi photoshoot ni..
especially pengalaman membuat mimik xmenjadi..hahahha=P

take from my camera..
wait for my next pre wedding entry..=P


  1. wahh bestnye !

    taiping cnatik kan??

  2. Waaaa Fazlien, kita memang byk persamaan..serius and mr tunang pun nak buat camni, pre wed di sekolah cause kita kenal sejak dari form 1 lagi...hehehe...

    1. bagus la dear..tapi kalu nak buat kene prepare byk bnd..sume kene tema school..mcm kite kasut pn pki biase punye.hehehe..


About Me

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Melaka, Malaysia
Assalamualaikum..hello everyone. I'm Lynn..a girl who wanted to start her new life with someone very very very special. This blog is for her journey to be a bride and wanted to share her love, happiness, sadness and all the feeling to prepare for the Big Day.InsyaAllah dengan ketentuan Yang Maha Esa.. jehelynn..
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^.^ tabung kawen..sila la tekan saye ^.^